How to become WAHVA accredited
Do you need WAHVA for your Business? We can help.
WAHVA is a crucial need for some heavy vehicle operators. That is why it is important that an operator completely understands the needs of accreditation, the applicable WAHVA modules (including optional modules), and the Application of the WAHVA Business Rules.
After an operator determines which accreditation module or modules are needed, they will have to develop and maintain a compliance management system. And this system should meet the related accreditation standards. You can get this by documenting the processes that should be followed to facilitate conformance to the needs of the accreditation standard and support the operators’ own internal prerequisites.
An assessment of the efficacy of the Compliance Management System is the next step. In this phase, an operator will have to go through an independent audit by the Main Roads WA, WAHVA Approved Auditor. This is known as an Entry or Establishment Audit. If it becomes successful, the operator will be able to submit their Application to Main Roads WA, along with their Entry Audit Report and Payment for the initial accreditation phase.
After Main Roads WA reviews the operator’s application, they will get advice on the result. If the application turns out to be successful, the operator will get an accreditation approval notice, certificate of accreditation, overview of the conditions (if any) and advice of the period of accreditation granted. Then, it goes to the operator for managing their Accreditation as per the WAHVA Business Rules, Accreditation Module Standards as well as their Own Internal Policies & Procedures.
The management system must go through a scheduled compliance audit at 12 months. The second scheduled compliance audit will be performed at 24 months. The maximum accreditation period is 36 months (3 years) and at that phase, it is the responsibility of an accredited operator to ensure accreditation is renewed (re-entry audit). Also, it needs to be submitted to Main Roads before the accreditation expiry date. A re-entry audit must be performed within three months before the accreditation expiry date. Contact us to know more.