Ever found your business in trouble of being assessed by the regulators? You scratch your head, confused, because you don’t know the way forward. You wish there was someone who would guide you in the right direction. Then look no further, HV Compliance got you covered!
You never know what aspects of your business would be assessed and how by the regulators. There could be multiple reasons behind the triggering of those investigations like an accident, on-road intelligence system, general or targeted interception by law-enforcement agencies, public allegations, allegations from former employees or contractors, and what not!
Once triggered, it doesn’t look good for the business because these regulatory bodies have immense powers to get their hands on resources and examine operations inside out, ranging from driver’s work diaries to maintenance logs. Business operations are seized before they even know what has hit them. So, due diligence is necessary, because like they say, prevention is better than cure. That being said, rest assured you have landed on just the right platform that’s here to cater to all your needs and enrich you with the required knowledge of fatigue management.
At HV Compliance, our interface is designed in perfect alignment with NHVR as well as the local law enforcement agencies. This is what makes us stand out because we encourage all parties to utilize all their available resources, help them fulfill their obligations towards the clients while making sure that the board members fully understand their CoR exposure in case of accidents or business operations in general. Our dedicated team, specialized in CoR compliance, is here to guide you every step of your business.
Progression Of Corrective Changes
Our position at the interface point allows HV Compliance to begin to operate the CoR exposure proactively through:
Making sure that the Board is well-equipped with precise knowledge of the CoR issues involved in the investigation and responding to regulator’s concerns
Recognizing the areas of exposure specifically in the investigation and generally for the business
Making corrective action strategy to address the CoR exposures and include the regulators’ demands

Execution Of Corrective Actions
Once the business has successfully recognized a CoR system or other processing issues – either audit or staff concerns – with the help of NHVR intervention, HV Compliance is at your disposal to help you carry out the required changes efficiently and effectively while keeping the profitability intact.
Reports For Mitigating The Punishment
HV Compliance helps businesses verify the execution of corrective actions post-incident, and also present the improvements made to prevent such CoR incidents in the future. So what are you waiting for? Connect with us at your earliest for CoR services or heavy vehile compliance.