National Heavy Vehicle
Accreditation Scheme
Do you have a plan to go through accreditation as part of the NHVAS? Aren’t you sure which of the accreditation options will best suit your business? Well, HV Compliance can help you with this.
The aim of any accreditation scheme is to improve an organization. And accreditation under the NHVAS is one of the ways your business can achieve this.
The National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme is an industry-specific voluntary accreditation scheme. This aims to improve Safety within the Heavy Vehicle Industry. It identifies operators who do their level best for industry excellence, through implying & continuing the use of Management System modules to meet their compliance & regulatory need. Being a part of this recognition, accredited operators can get greater flexibility in terms of Scheduling & Allocations of Drivers & Vehicles, Increased productivity through higher mass limits & utilisation of equipment and exemptions from annual vehicle inspections.
Mass Management
Maintenance Management
Basic Fatigue Management BFM
Advanced Fatigue Management AFM
Accreditation can incorporate a Single Module. Also, it might be a combination of modules made to suit the scope of your business.
We aim to assist your business in having robust & user-friendly policies. Also, your business will have procedures enabling you to meet the needs of the accreditation standards in the smoothest way possible. This is how we will ensure that your compliance practices are dependable & hassle-free and these are saving you money.