HV Compliance has developed Procedures, Template Policies, Tools and Processes, and Documentation for the company. This combination of Standards is available in our training programs and offers a parameter for compliance.
Our students complete the course and CoR training with a thorough understanding of appropriate and relevant organisational tools. It is a part of our HV Compliance training solution. Our trainees build a consistent CoR response with CoR requirements of their business during the training. CoR level 3 students finish the course with an equipment framework. On the other hand, Cor Level 2 students position themselves to implement CoR within their business.
TKeeping consistency with the Chain of Responsibility training, Hv Compliance develops a CoR compliance framework to fulfil your obligations under CoR Legislation requirements through:
CoR communications and training, including Internal CoR Champion Solutions, Tool Box Talks, and Sub Contractor engagement, Executive Briefings, Frontline Staff awareness
Reviewing commercial arrangements, contracts, and operational arrangements to ensure they do not promote or give an incentive for violation
Make sure that your work practices do not contribute to or cause on-road breaches
CoR Training for workers to assure they comprehend their obligations under the Chain of Responsibility
Procedure and policy development along with the formation of template documentation
Audits/spot-checks to confirm compliance (e.g.: speed and fatigue, monitoring of loading)
Contingency strategies to control operational complications within the law
Our professionals are always here to help you with CoR compliance, prosecutions, strategic reviews, and under Court imposed Supervisory Intervention Orders.